#Goldschmidt2019: What’s going on on Twitter
Twitter is a great way to share conference goings-on with absent colleagues, collaborators, and broader audiences. So, what’s going on on the #Goldschmidt2019 hashtag this week?
The EAG tote bag made an impact at the Icebreaker.
And lots of attendees snapped a photo outside.
Once the talks began on Monday, the avid live tweeters among us took to sharing nuggets of science:
Day One of #Goldschmidt2019 is upon us! Who is ready for some geochemistry tweets?
— Kayla Iacovino (@kaylai) August 19, 2019
Lots of discussion of mercury this morning. Next up is Cartier discussing chemistry from #Messenger mission with suggestion for no FeS layer inside #Goldschmidt2019
— Justin Filiberto ?️? ?? (@Mars_Chlorine) August 19, 2019
Bethany Ehlmann plenary: half of Mars’ atmospheric carbon dioxide is currently trapped in polar ice caps. Mars’ big obliquity shifts (from 10 to 60 degrees!) move Mars in and out of habitability zone. #Goldschmidt2019 https://t.co/mnOTfMCKkN
— ☂️? Dr. Jennifer Glass ?? (@methanoJen) August 19, 2019
Liu: drones are going to keep changing the way we explore volcanoes, and we can use them to design sampling strategies that will get us the data we need. They’re not just eyes in the sky #Goldschmidt2019 #DCOatGoldschmidt2019
— Deep Carbon Obsrvtry (@deepcarb) August 19, 2019
Not forgetting the poster session:
Follow #Goldschmidt2019 for the rest of the week for more great content from meeting participants, and consider adding your voice to science twitter!
PS: if you’re new to using social media to share science with broader audiences, this guide from the AGU Sharing Science program is a great place to start.