Ruth Esther Delina

Hi! I am Ruth, a doctoral student at the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany. I am interested in how toxic heavy metals behave in mining-impacted areas, what controls their cycling, and in turn, their environmental implications. My work focuses on the environmental geochemistry and mineralogy of chromium in nickel laterite areas, the world’s largest source of nickel. I am excited to present my work on mine tailings on Monday at Session 11a and to talk about science and fun as your EAG blogger. See you around!

Goldschmidt 2023
Ruth Esther Delina

Thursday Plenary – Impact of artisanal gold mining

In his thought provoking plenary talk, Abdoulatif Abass Saley showed us what the world of artisanal gold mining looks like in West Africa. 

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Goldschmidt 2023
Ruth Esther Delina

Beyond networking: How the mentor program elevated the Goldschmidt2023 conference experience

It’s the last day of the conference and it’s time to pick favorites! One of my favorites is the Mentor Program. Let’s take a look at what some mentees and mentors felt about the program. 

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Goldschmidt 2023
Ruth Esther Delina

What makes academia continually worth it?

Knowing the realities in academia, someone stood up and asked this very important question that we are all itching to know the answer to.

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