Wednesday plenary – The hierachy of timescales by Sumit Chakraborty
Sumit Chakraborty let's us in on his ideas and work by he and his group, showing us why knowing timescales is a powerful tool.
I am currently working and doing my PhD at the University of Cologne (Germany) since 2022. I actually began working in the Geo- and Cosmochemistry group at the University of Cologne shortly after I started my Bachelor in 2019 and was lucky to gain a lot of experience in separating elements using column chemistries, developing and improving analytical protocols, and measurements using ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS. Currently, I am conducting isotope and trace element measurements to investigate the temporal evolution of mantle plumes.
Sumit Chakraborty let's us in on his ideas and work by he and his group, showing us why knowing timescales is a powerful tool.
Some comments on my first talk at Goldschmidt
Comments on the Goldschmidt talk by Mario Fischer-Gödde on Ru isotopes from impact layers/spherules and the nature of the impactor.